What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a system of healing which adopts a natural and holistic way for treating patients, and is based on certain fixed laws and principles. The word Homeopathy is a Greek derivation where homeos means similar and pathos means suffering. It is a system of medicine created in 1796 by Samuel Hahnemann (who was an allopathic practitioner in Germany) based on the law of similars, ‘Similia Similibus Curantur’ which means like cures like. To put this law into words it basically means any substance which is capable of deranging health in large doses in healthy persons, is capable of curing the same derangement in sick persons when it is given in potentised minute doses.

How Homeopathy works?

Homeopathic medicines are made through a specific pharmacological process of dilution, rubbing, scraping and shaking called as potentisation. The energy and power produced by medicines boosts the patient’s own healing powers to overpower the disease and the patient gets rid of the disease.

What it can do?

Homeopathic medicines treat the patient as a whole, taking care of all the systems of the patient at once not only one part or system. When a person suffers from some disease both mind and body are equally affected as they are very deeply intertwined, and therefore neither is neglected and treated as one unit. The properly chosen medicine provides long lasting and gentle relief, making the person healthy physically and mentally.